Here’s how to Increase Your Odds of Writing KILLER Headlines!
Hiya CopyStar,
I’m gonna steal and then butcher this famous quote:
“Writing headlines is easy. Just stare at a blank screen until your sweat turns into blood.”
So just how do you write a killer headline? Well, it ain’t brain surgery – but it does take some skill and know how. And that’s what I’m going to show you today!
You’re going to discover how to put the odds of winning on your side – and create powerful, strong and highly effective headlines. So before we get started – keep this in mind:
I give it my darndest effort to make sure my headlines meet criteriaI know will boost my odds of success!
Now – I want to show you how you too can increase your odds of writing killer headlines!
First of all, I’ll tell you this: I’ve got all my secrets for creating eyeball-grabbing headlines in my ebook, “Which One Won? How to Write Kick-Butt Headlines and Boost Response.” And right now, I’m going to give a few of my secrets for writing slam dunk headlines!
Yes — right now — I’m gonna share with you 3 of my tried and tested ways to make your headline hook your prospect — so he can’t wait to devour your promo.
Slam Dunk Secret #1 – The Direct Approach: BAM! Tell the prospect exactly what you’re going to do for him! For example: Let’s say you’re writing a promo on pain relief. What does your prospect REALLY want? Hmmm…how about…
Headline: “Kiss Your Pain Goodbye!”
And then follow up that headline with HOW you’re going to relieve that pain! See what I mean?
Tell your prospect exactly what you’re going to do for him! Address his problem dead on!
Slam Dunk Secret #2 – Scare ‘em: Now I’m not a big fan of scaring folks to death. But I have been known to make them queasy enough to look for a cure! So yes, fear does work – when used appropriately. For example…
…I wrote a promo for a nutritional supplement called “Liver & Kidney Cleanse”. I was concerned that most folks don’t really think about their liver – like they do their heart and brain. I needed to find a way to make the liver relevant. So – I needed to come up with a way to grab my prospect by the eyeballs! And, voila…
Headline:“If you could see your overworked liver – Here’s how it would look…”Woah! Did that get your attention, CopyStar? Well, it certainly hooked my prospects! This was a kick-butt control for over 4 years!
Headline: “Why xxxs don’t work!”
I’ve had several controls using this formula. Just flat out tell the prospect why something doesn’t work – and then support your statement with proof! Then give him a wonderful remedy that really does work!
Are you getting the idea CopyStar?
You don’t have to create mind-blowing, super creative headlines. I call the Direct Approach, Scare Tactic and Skepticism headlines my “Mama gotta pay the mortgage” headlines! Why?
Because they’re my bread and butter! I can usually count on these headlines to deliver a control – and that means ROYALTY checks! So just remember this:
A killer headline MUST grab your prospect’s attention – and stop him dead in his tracks. Use one of these 3 approaches to strengthen your headlines. And if you need a little more help, check out my Which One Won? How to Write Kick-Butt Headlines and Boost Response ebook!
Yours for stellar results,