Carline Anglade-Cole

3X Award-Winning Direct-Response Copywriter, Author & Consultant

Are you boring your reader to death?


Turn your Copy from Wimpy to Sizzling Hot!

Hiya CopyStar!

Most people go through life bored out of their skull. They’re stuck in a rut — doing the same things day after day. The last thing they need is boring copy. And the last thing they’ll read is YOUR boring copy!

Recently, AWAI speaker Pam Foster said a goldfish has an attention span of 9 seconds — but your market only gives you 8 seconds to decide if your copy is worth their time!

So that means you’ve got only a few seconds to grab your reader’s attention. If you don’t — he’ll ditch your promo right in the trash! Now CopyStar — that means you’ve got some serious work to do. You’ve got to give your reader the adventure he craves… the fun he’s lacking… and the excitement he desperately needs! 

Because remember: Writing boring copy will keep you broke! 

So whaddayado?

Motivate yourself — so you can motivate your reader! Let me explain…

…Now — I know the importance of exercise. But quite frankly I get bored with it. One day, my daughter #1 introduced me to an app called “C210K”. It stands for “Couch to 10k”. This app gets you from sitting on your butt all day to running a 10k marathon. 

Man, it was the motivation I needed! I downloaded the 10k app and followed the training program to run 6.2 miles. Everyday I’d wake up ready to exercise and then afterwards — I’d start my writing for the day. 

The day of the race came and I got out a sheet of paper and wrote “56” and “10k” on it. I was turning 56 and wanted everyone to know it! I challenged myself to run the 10k in 60 minutes. I ran my race in 58 minutes and won! (Ok, so I was the ONLY participant — but I still WON!) Then something happened…

…when I got to my computer and started writing…


My brain cells were bursting with ideas. I had all this mental energy and clarity. My excitement came through in my copy! I was motivating… engaging… and thrilling my reader. That excitement I produced in my copy came from the thrill — or the endorphins — I got from winning my race!

You can have the same experience CopyStar. No — you don’t have to run a 10K — but you can use what excites you to “get your mind right” — and write killer copy! Remember this:

As a copywriter you’re also an entertainer. Your job is to excite… motivate… and thrill! You want your prospect to drop what he’s doing — and pick up the phone to buy your product RIGHT NOW. 

You’ve got to infuse excitement in your copy. You want to make your paragraphs so interesting — your reader CAN’T stop reading! Tell him why he needs this product… how great he’s going to feel… how easy it is to use… how it’s a Godsend for him… and how much better his life is going to be! 

So to write exciting copy — you need to discover what excites YOU about the product!

And don’t ever forget this: Boredom is the kiss of death. It kills momentum and turns your promotion into a flop. You’ve gotta keep finding ways to rip boredom out of your copy! And here’s a great way to this… 

Use power words! I just LOVE ‘EM! Power words ignite energy… spark action… and can even make your reader squirm a little. 

Take a look at these sizzling hot controls:

Did you notice the power words I used in these headlines CopyStar? Words like:

Yikes — Pregnant Seniors — Penis — Crap

Did you feel the excitement? Did you laugh? Were you shocked? Put power words in front of your reader — right on the cover — in your headline — to GRAB him by the eyeballs!

Remember we’re entertainers. Your prospect isn’t expecting to receive your promotion in the mail anyway. So when he does — you’ve got to make it a hot and sizzling production number!

Now are you ready to put some sizzle to your copy? Well I’ve got LOTS of ideas and proven strategies to help you write sizzling hot copy… create winning controls… and get this:

For a limited time when you purchase any of my e-books on my website, — I’ve got a special gift for you! 

I’m going to give you my favorite power words to use in your next promo! That’s right — I’ll give you a FREE copy of 99 Freakin’ Fantastic Power Words to Create Kick-Butt Copy! These are tested and proven words that can take your copy to the next level! I use ‘em all the time — and I want YOU to start using them too!

Yes CopyStar, I want to help you create winning controls that’ll keep your wallet stuffed no matter what’s happening in the economy!

Yours for stellar results,

Million-Dollar Copywriter & Consultant