Carline Anglade-Cole

3X Award-Winning Direct-Response Copywriter, Author & Consultant

What’s your story?


Turn your next story into ka-ching!

Hiya CopyStar!

There ain’t nothing like having a good story to really grab your prospect’s attention. 

Good stories move your reader… tap into emotions… and motivate your reader to action. And above all — good stories are memorable! In fact…

Jennifer Aaker, Behavioral Psychologist and Professor at Stanford University says, “Stories are remembered 22 times more than facts alone.” Now — that’s some powerful knowledge for us copywriters to remember! 

So what’s your story, CopyStar? How do you get your prospect to connect with you… to hire you… or to buy your product?

I’ve got lots of kick-butt ideas for writing eye-grabbing, heart-tugging stories in my ebook “The Do-it-Yourself Guide to Writing Kick-Butt Sales Copy”. But right now — I’m going to give you 2 ways to maximize the power of the story in your life — and your copywriting business! 

1.    Kick-butt action plan #1: Create your own personal story!Craft a remarkable story that sets you apart from others — and bring out your unique attributes and accomplishments. That way your prospective client will remember — and even want to hire you. According to Professor Aaker — here are 3 reasons why it’s important to create a memorable story:

  •  Stories shape how people see you! It can determine if people want to hire you or buy from you!
  •  Stories are tools of power! When you tell a story — people slow down — and even move in closer so they can listen to you!
  • Stories persuade! They can be an advocate for your cause and move people to action!

What’s MY story you ask?

Well, let me tell you this (Did you instinctively move in close to listen, CopyStar? I think you did!) Now, on with the story…

… Back in 2008 I wrote a launch promotion for a colon product. The market was very competitive so my client let me try a crazy cover test about pooping. It worked like gangbusters! 

My client had another company with a similar colon product — so I created another eye-popping — or should I say “pooping” cover.  And that kicked butt too! Now…

… A few months later I was attending a marketing seminar and a man asked me what kind of writing I do. I told him: “I used to say I’m an Alternative Health Copywriter — but lately, I’ve been having great success writing about colon health. So I guess you could say I’m #1 when it comes to #2. Or you can simply call me the Queen of Poop!”

That was my 15 second story, CopyStar. And you know what? 

By the end of the seminar — my story had taken a life of its own! Folks were coming up to me asking if I was the “Queen of Poop” — and wanted to hire me to write for them! I not only got offers to write about colon health — I was offered jobs for gallbladder… liver… and kidney promotions, too!

Now — am I really the Queen of Poop? Well — that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

So what’s your story, CopyStar? How do you want to be perceived? Your story needs to bring out a trait or a strength you want your client to know about you — and that will help you form a connection with that person.

Remember this…

A powerful signature story takes your audience where you want to go. In this case — you want to turn a prospect into a paying client!

This brings me to my next kick-butt action plan. Let’s say you’ve already got the client. Now you need a good story for your prospect. So try this:

2.    Kick-butt action plan #2: Write a story-based promotion!Make a story the center of your next sales letter. Stories cut through the noise and help your reader to focus. Stories create vulnerability and value. Stories grab the heart.

Here’s an example of one of my favorite story leads:

Remember the Steve Martin movie called “The Jerk”? Remember the first lines in that movie? 

“It was never easy for me. I was born a poor black child.”

What? A white man born a poor black child. I gotta hear this! What the heck is this story about?

Ok — now, here’s an example of a story I wrote about a heart product. I just wanted to get the message to my prospect that “this could happen to you”:

Now — look closely at the page. Notice it stops at “She gave into that nagging feeling…” and not with a complete sentence and period.

You know why?

Because an incomplete sentence is a natural page turner! You just want to know what happened to Julie — so you’ve got to turn the page! 

Julie’s story also contains the 4 characteristics of an effective story:

1.    Have a Goal: Why are you telling me this story? In Julie’s story — it’s because I don’t want this to happen to you!

2.    Grab attention: Why should I listen to your story? In Julie’s story — it’s because this could happen to you!

3.    Engage: Why do I care? In Julie’s story — it’s because Julie’s experience could happen to you!

4.    Enable action:  Why should I do what you asked? In Julie’s story — it’s because I don’t want it to happen to you!

Remember what Dr. Aaker said? Stories are remembered 22 times more than facts!

So again CopyStar — I ask: What’s your story? Whether you’re creating your own personal story… writing a new promotion… or revising an existing sales letter…

… let a great story take your reader on a journey that leads right to the sales page!

Like I said earlier — I’m happy to share with you MORE ways to kick your copywriting into high gear — and fatten your bottom line! So grab a copy of my ebook “The Do-it-Yourself Guide to Writing Kick-Butt Sales Copy.”

Yours for stellar results,

Million-Dollar Copywriter & Consultant