Carline Anglade-Cole

3X Award-Winning Direct-Response Copywriter, Author & Consultant

Let your copy do the talking!


Be quiet – and listen!

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Hiya CopyStar!

It drives me nuts when I try to give copy crits – and I get interrupted with “but”…”let me explain”… and a bunch of excuses.

I tell my cubs “Unless you plan to go to every single prospect and personally explain what you really MEANT to say – I suggest you let your copy do the talking.”

So ZIP it!

Hopefully you’re not making that same mistake when you get crits on your copy – because if you are – you’re losing out on a powerful opportunity to strengthen copy… your skills… and your bottom line!

That’s because…

Writers who get the MOST controls know the power of crits!

So how should you take copy critiques? My fellow copywriter Marcella Allison reminds her copy cubs to “Step back and remember the critique is being given in the spirit of love by someone who genuinely wants you to succeed.”

When my grandson Colton was 3-years old he’d say, “Awww…that’s so CUPE”.

Marcella’s comment is much kinder than my “shut your pie hole – and listen” approach. But both messages are essentially the same. Your copy will improve and so will your writing skills if…

… you maximize your opportunity when you’re fortunate enough to have an experienced writer critique your copy!

So puh-lease… avoid this rookie mistake:

Don’t take it personal!

Your copy sucks – not you! I’m actually a very nice person. But – I’ve been told I can be brutal with crits.

What can I say the legendary Clayton Makepeace was my copy chief! Blame it on his in-your-face crits! Because the truth is…

… you really need to THANK anybody who’s completely honest and frank about your copy. Your writing skills will improve if you just learn to take the punches. I know it did for me!

One time Clayton gave me a crit that said and I quote…
“You write like a F*%@!ing GIRL!”

So I replied…

“I AM a girl!”

But here’s the problem…

… I was writing for a male potency product – but I wasn’t talking to guys! That was a big mistake on my part – and I’m so thankful Clayton brought it to my attention.

But I will say this – every time Clayton made me cry with his crits – my income skyrocketed! He made me write stronger copy and that copy often became a control.

So don’t take crits personally. You’re going to hear what’s wrong with your copy and get suggestions on how to fix it.

When you hear words like “weak”… “sucks”… and “you’re boring me here” – those words refer to your copy – not to you personally!

Bottom line…

Your right attitude can boost your copy skills – AND your income!

So suck it up – and learn CopyStar!

Yours for stellar results,

P.S. Wanna know my SECRET for getting consistent and killer controls? This one simple technique will take your sales copy to a whole new level! And your income will SOAR too! Click here and find out!