Carline Anglade-Cole

3X Award-Winning Direct-Response Copywriter, Author & Consultant

How to overcome fear and write copy that rocks!


Carline’s Copy Thoughts…

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Hiya CopyStar!

Face it: Fear is a good motivator.

I fear being homeless so I get my butt up and go to work. I fear getting into a car accident – so I wear a seat belt and don’t run red lights.

But I also learned fear of failure can motivate you to success!

So, the next time your negative alarm goes off in your head embrace it and do this: Cross those arms… bob your head from side-to-side… and roll your eyes like a typical teenager with a serious ATTITUDE – and then say:

… “You done? ‘Cause I’m going to prove you WRONG!”

Then go and find whatever successful promotion you’ve written in the past and re-read it. Then ask yourself: “Hey, who wrote this killer copy? Oh yeah, I DID and I can do it again! ”

If you’re a newbie and don’t have any successful promos then think of writing projects you’ve worked on and the feedback you got from fellow copywriters, friends or family.

Did you write a complaint letter to a company and receive acknowledgement or compensation?

Or sent a strong email to someone to make your point and got the reply you were looking for? If yes then your copy kicked butt!

So remember this:

Just about every copywriter hears that little voice that says, “You suck”.

That fear of failure that self-doubt can stifle and even paralyze you if you don’t get it under control.

So CopyStar – embrace the fear – and go write your KICK-BUTT copy!

Yours for stellar results,

P.S. Need a little kick in the pants to help you boost your confidence and sharpen your writing skills? Let me TEACH you my C.R.A.Z.Y system to help you become an IN-DEMAND highly paid copywriter! Click here for details…