Carline Anglade-Cole

3X Award-Winning Direct-Response Copywriter, Author & Consultant

Got a favor to ask you…


I sure would appreciate your help!

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Hiya CopyStar!

I want to reach as many aspiring copywriters and business owners who are looking to improve their writing skills and learn my C.R.A.Z.Y system for writing killer copy!

And I’d love for you to personally recommend me to your friends and colleagues!

So – will you do me a favor and introduce me to your friends by sending them this exclusive link for my YouTube channel?

It’s a special video I created for folks who want to become a KICK-BUTT copywriter… EARN while they learn… get REAL writing samples… and have them tested by my leading clients!

You can write your own message to your friends and use this link: ­– or – just copy and paste the message below in an email or text:

“I found one of the BEST ways to boost your copywriting and marketing skills – check it out here!

That’s it!

And a big fat THANK YOU CopyStar for helping me spread the word!

Yours for stellar results,