Hiya CopyStar!
Want to know the absolute BEST way to turn wimpy copy into a smokin’ hot control?
You gotta grab your prospect by the eyeball and not let go until you make the sale!
And you can do this by doing one simple thing…
… replace limp and lame copy with powerful trigger words!
Ever heard of ‘em?
Trigger words spark action… ignite energy… and infuse your copy with imagery and illustrations that keep your reader hanging on the edge of his seat!
Trigger words pluck emotion strings…
… get your blood boiling…
… make you green with envy…
… unleash the floodgates of tears…
… scare the beejesus out of you…
… but most importantly – trigger words get you to pick up the phone or click the button and say “I want this product NOW!”
Ooooooh… don’t you just love that?
So what are these trigger words?
They’re words that paint a visual picture… bring to mind a specific pain or joy… or move you to action! For example:
Let’s say you want to stir up some anger in your prospect. The first thing you need is a person or thing to target that anger. Yep – you need an ENEMY!
And you’re going to call that enemy all kinds of juicy names that gets your prospect seeing red! For example…
… if you’re writing for the health market – don’t attack “the pharmaceutical companies” – noooh – that’s waaaay too nice!
Call them the “Fat Cats”… “Pill Pushers”… “Big Pharma”… “Drug Czars”… and “unscrupulous big wigs shafting you out of your hard-earned money!”
Aargh… doesn’t that just get you STEAMED up?
And now you’ve just set the stage to position your product as the hero – the one and only solution your prospect needs to start feeling better today!
But here’s another powerful theme that can create killer trigger words: Betrayal!
Maybe it’s my years of reading romance novels as a teenager…
… or my sister Viv and I listening to Keith Urban’s country songs – but I really love creating “done me wrong” scenarios!
I feel it’s my duty to show the prospect how he’s been lied to… cheated… and led down the wrong path!
‘Cause I hate when that happens to me – don’t you?
So what words come to mind when you think of betrayal?
How about: “What the drug companies don’t want you to know”… “Bald-faced lies your doctor is telling you”… “caught red-handed”… “conspiracy”… “cover-up”… “What popular medical tests don’t really tell you”… “fleecing you”… “flim flam and sham artists”… “hucksters”… “pull the wool over your eyes”… and “snake oil remedies” – just to name a few!
Ok, ok here’s one more for you…
… how about: Frustration!
One of my most successful headlines tapped into the frustration of my health market. It started off with:
“If you are sick and tired of…”
Then I listed all the health problems my prospect faced: