Carline Anglade-Cole

3X Award-Winning Direct-Response Copywriter, Author & Consultant

Copy lessons from canyoneering!


7 POWERFUL things learned…

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Hiya CopyStar!

Yesterday I told you about my AMAZING adventure canyoneering in Utah, USA. Click here if you missed it!

Today I’m going to share with you a few of my top 7 kick-butt lessons I learned from canyoneering.

Ready… set… let’s JUMP into it!

Copywriting Lesson #7: Focus on research that’s relevant to your market! You can easily go down a rabbit hole when it comes to research for your product. So stay focused on what’s important to your market!
For our canyoneering experience to be successful – we needed a company that could accommodate a 6-year-old. So daughter #1 zeroed in on the company that specifically stated “ages 5 & older”.

That was KEY to help us find the right guides for our group! By staying focused on what we needed – we saved time and frustration! Now…

… this ties into the next important lesson…

Copywriting Lesson #6: Stand out from the crowd! All the other canyoneering companies stated ages 8 and older. But Zion Guru was the only one we found that advertised 5 and older.   
We later discovered the other tours could make “exceptions” to allow younger kids ­– but we had no way of knowing that in the early stages of research! And since we didn’t have a ton of time to figure that stuff out – we had to go with what the companies clearly offered.

So what’s the copywriting lesson?

Take a look at your competitors and see if you can tweak your product so you can stand out for your prospects. And then clearly state why you’re unique in your sales piece! For example…

… if a competitor’s product is offering “fast-acting relief” – can yours honestly offer “Relief – starting in just 30 minutes”? If so – say it loud and proud! Hey – if I was in pain – that specificity would seal the deal for me!

Copywriting Lesson #5: Build trust early. We were looking at unfamiliar equipment… seeing terrain that was downright scary… and wondering if we had lost our minds! Those were the challenges our guides Adam and Hector had to help us overcome. How did they do it?

They immediately started to build our trust by sharing their background and experience with us. They used our names constantly in the conversations. And they sprinkled in some humor. That was a great recipe for success!

Now what’s the copywriting lesson CopyStar?

You need to do the same thing in your sales copy! Establish credibility early. How?

Add a bio box early in your copy – or even include a caption under your guru’s picture listing brief credentials.

Then you keep building trust by sharing personal stories… talking directly to your prospect… adding testimonials of folks JUST LIKE YOU who’ve succeeded… and overcoming objections your prospect may have.

Keep weaving trust elements in your copy – and your prospect will follow you all the way to the order page!

Copywriting Lesson #4: Be specific! Our guides said over 90% of their clientele are newbies. So you know what that means?

They were very aware that we needed specific instructions and directions to stay safe and have fun. Several times Adam or Hector would say, “Now listen, this is very important…” or “I need everyone to be quiet so you can only hear my voice speaking to you”.

And you better believe we shut our pie holes when we heard those words! Because guess what?

WE wanted to stay safe and have fun too!

Then our guides gave us literally “step by step” instructions to maneuver through a tight space or drop off the edge of the cliff. I remember one time when Adam said…

… “Carline, now I want you to take 3 steps and then you’re going to drop”.

I thought he was crazy. Maybe I needed 4 steps or just 2? My mind was just spinning and my heart was pounding out of my chest.

But then Adam said, “Carline, take a deep breath. Now give me 3 steps and drop”. I did – and boy oh boy did I drop! And you know what?

I followed Adam’s specific instructions and I DROPPED!

It really was 3 steps needed! Now that I had this positive experience – I was more comfortable and willing to follow Adam’s directions on future rappels!

So what’s the copywriting lesson for you? You will never insult your prospect by giving clear and specific instructions.
“Just pick up the phone and dial 1 800 xxx-xxxx”.
“Turn to page xx to claim your free gifts”.
“Act now and save $XXX!”

“Just take 1 capsule a day”.
Are you getting the point CopyStar?
Make sure you tell your prospect what they need to do – and keep it clear and simple!
Loving these canyoneering lessons for copywriting CopyStar? Well – I got 3 MORE kick-butt copywriting lessons for you!

Look out for my next email tomorrow!

Yours for stellar results,

P.S. Let me help you kick your copywriting into high gear – and FATTEN your wallet! Just follow my strategies here…