Carline Anglade-Cole

3X Award-Winning Direct-Response Copywriter, Author & Consultant

Want a sneak peek of my C.R.A.Z.Y show?


You don’t get this kind of ACCESS anywhere else

Hiya CopyStar!

So I’ve been talking a lot about my C.R.A.Z.Y Copy System Live Mentoring Show lately – and there’s a reason for that!

You see TOMMORROW is the big day that we launch a spankin’ brand new cover test challenge!

And I don’t want you to miss this opportunity!

What’s a “cover test challenge?”

It’s a unique way I’ve come up to get your foot into the door of leading health clients – so you can land a writing gig…

… and get PAID!

I’ve put together a sweet deal with my leading clients in the health industry to TEST your copy – so you get writing samples.

And if your copy is good enough to beat my control – then I PAY YOU at least 500 smackeroos!

And guess what?

I will personally HELP you kick my butt! Yep – I WANT you to beat my control!

So this is a win-win-win opportunity:

YOU win because I help you develop your idea so you can write strong, kick-butt copy for a cover test – and you get a writing sample… a control… and even get PAID!

My clients win because they get NEW IDEAS and minimize risk! They know I’m going to make sure the copy they’re testing is STRONG!

And I win because I keep my promos mailing longer – and I have a team of “Carline-Approved” writers I can tap into for future writing gigs!

All this creative energy happens during our weekly C.R.A.Z.Y Copy System Live Mentoring Show!

While we have a LOT of FUN – please know this:

We’re taking care of SERIOUS business on this Show!

It’s nearly impossible to break into this biz without having writing samples – and I’ve got a 10-step process to get you IN – even if you’re a newbie!

Here’s a sneak peek of this C.R.A.Z.Y process for the Cover Test Challenges:

1.   Research: You receive the background research info so you can develop an idea for a headline and cover test.

2.   Initial submission: You submit your cover test before the deadline. Do NOT BLOW the deadline!

3.   First review: Before the show – I review all submissions personally and provide copy crits. During the show – I select the covers that will move to the semi-final round.

4.   Semi-final round: Semi-finalists have another week to polish their copy and submit final cover by deadline. Do NOT BLOW the deadline!

5. Final round: We review semi-finalists submissions live during the show and I make my final selections to go to the client.

6.   Client review: All final submissions are sent to the client. Cover tests go through legal department for approval. Client and I discuss the submissions to make final decision. I fight – I mean REALLY fight hard for you in this stage – because I want ALL the covers to get approved! And I usually win!

7.   Final Cover selections: I announce the final cover tests selected on the C.R.A.Z.Y show. We celebrate!

8.   Design: Final submissions get designed by an A-Level graphic designer – usually one of my FAVORITE designers! We review final design during a C.R.A.Z.Y show. This is a RARE opportunity for you to see this amazing process in action! You will see your words come ALIVE with a designed cover! This is sooooo cool!

9.   Results: Final covers get tested – and I share results. Again – this is another rare opportunity to see the business of copywriting in action! You’ll see how your cover performs – and you see the real numbers that clients look for to make million-dollar marketing decisions!

10.  PAYDAY! If your cover beats my control – then you get the coveted “I’m on a Roll – I beat Carline’s Control” t-shirt along with a $500 (or more) check from me! Congratulations! You’re now a paid, control-beating copywriter! And even if your cover doesn’t beat my control – you still have a tested cover to use for your portfolio!

Folks are now calling this unique C.R.A.Z.Y show the “Oprah” of Copywriting mentoring programs! Why?

Because “You get a control… YOU get a control… and YOU GET A CONTROL!”

Love it!

And even brand spankin’ newbies are creating killer headlines…  bullets… and testimonials to put on their cover tests!

Right now – I’ve got over 30 cover tests from my C.R.A.Z.Y tribe that will be tested by my leading clients in the next few weeks!

Do you know what that means? Picture this…

Aspiring writer #1 goes to a prospective client and says: “Will you hire me please?”

My C.R.A.Z.Y writer goes to the same client and says: “Here’s my latest writing sample from this leading health mailer! I can write a winner for you too!”

Come on – it’s obvious who’s gonna get that job!

Writing samples are how you get your foot in the door in this biz!

And my C.R.A.Z.Y Copy System Live Mentoring Show is that “FOOT” you need!

So I’ve been really pumped to make sure you know about this amazing show – especially NOW! Why?

Because we start a brand new Cover Test Challenge TOMORROW!

Yes – on Thursday, April 29, 2021 at 1pm ET – I’m going to announce a brand new opportunity to write a headline and cover test for an extraordinary formula! My current control has been mailing for over 3 years – and it needs new ideas to keep it fresh!

And this is your opportunity to get in on this Cover Test Challenge! So – click here to get the details because time is running out!

Yours for stellar results,

P.S. I’m not kidding! The absolute deadline to participate in this “Get your foot into the door” cover test challenge is 11:59pm ET TONIGHT! Don’t miss out! Here’s the link again>>> We kick off the cover test challenge on Thursday during class! I want to see your face there! You will not regret this decision. Get more info about this amazing opportunity here!