Hiya CopyStar!
Read. Your. Copy. OUT. LOUD!
These 5 words will prevent you from turning in lame…awkward…and downright boring copy to your client!
Read. Your. Copy. OUT. LOUD!
My C.R.A.Z.Y Copy System Live Mentoring Show members hear me say this EVERY week!
Read. Your. Copy. OUT. LOUD!
It will turn your copy from a wiener to a winner!
Read. Your. Copy. OUT. LOUD!
Let me tell you why…
When you send me your copy to review – I literally sit on my hands. My goal is to read your copy like I just received it in the mail. If I have to take my hands from under my butt and start making changes – there’s a problem.
Now – If I can sit on my hands and the copy keeps me interested – congratulations!
But if your copy is giving me whiplash because you’re jerking me from one thought to another – you’re not done, no matter how many drafts you’ve written.
So – here’s what I tell my copy cubs to do and I can always tell when they don’t follow this advice:
Read. Your. Copy. OUT. LOUD! And listen to how it sounds.
If it doesn’t sound like you’re having a conversation – then you’re just writing words. Go back and turn it into a conversation.
It’s OK to start sentences with a “But…” or an “And…” or “Did you know…” or, “Huh! What do you think about that?”
Add those little quirks and nuances you use in everyday speech.
Listen to your copy.
Better still — hire a 10-year-old to read your copy to you. See where he stumbles.
See where he repeats a sentence again because he didn’t understand what the heck you said.
Those are the places your reader may get stuck too.
And make sure you use REAL words! For example…
… who the heck says “hence” in a personal conversation?
And don’t turn in what I call ‘warm-up copy’ to your client! That’s copy – usually in your lead – that takes way too long to get to the point!
Read. Your. Copy. OUT. LOUD!
Make sure you’re keeping your reader’s attention because you write like you TALK!
It’s just a conversation in print.
So – in case you didn’t hear the words that are coming outta my mouth – let me repeat…
Read. Your. Copy. OUT. LOUD!
Yours for stellar results,